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Expert tips straight from the clinic.

Get Your FREE Guide Today!

We believe in providing our clients with the advice and tools to enable them to ‘help themselves’. So we’ve prepared these expert guides for some of the most common conditions we see here in the clinic. Each guide contains top tips recommended by our Injury Clinic specialists to help you ease your symptoms and start making progress right away.

Of course, you can always contact us to discuss your needs in further detail or if you feel you need further hands-on help you can request an appointment.

‘Knee Pain’

FREE Expert Tips

Let us know where to send your free knee pain guide below

‘Back Pain’

FREE Expert Tips

Let us know where to send your free back pain guide below

‘Neck & Shoulder Pain’

FREE Expert Tips

Let us know where to send your free neck & shoulder pain guide below

See What Our Clients Have To Say About Their Treatment…

"To be able to get back to proper training, classes and general day to day duties without pain and discomfort means so much. I am grateful to have been in the very best hands! Thank you!"


Gym Instructor

Take the next step to better health today.

If you've suffered with pain for too long and are now ready to do something about it, get in contact with us today to see how we can best help you achieve better health.

Get in touch.

Got a question? Feel free to send us a message and one of the team will get back to you asap, if you'd like to talk to someone directly, give the clinic a call on 01858 288 260

Move Better.
Feel Better.

14 King's Head Place
Market Harborough
LE16 7JT

01858 288 260
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