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6 Tips  For An Injury Free Comeback!

6 Tips For An Injury Free Comeback!

With gyms up and down the country reopening this weekend, countless people are gearing up to restart their fitness regimes. After months of living room floor workouts, zoom classes and social media fitness challenges, the joy of returning to the gym is finally here...

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Conquer stress levels to beat back pain

Conquer stress levels to beat back pain

From a shorter temper, changes in mood, difficultly concentrating, headaches and even an unsettled gut; we are all well aware of and have felt the affects of stress at one time or another.  But one of the more undetected affects of stress that you may not be so aware...

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Stressed, Anxious, Frustrated? – Try this

Stressed, Anxious, Frustrated? – Try this

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the stresses and strains of daily life and constant barrage of daily news updates. This can often lead to us feeling stressed, frustrated, overwhelmed or even anxious. We’re all guilty of worrying over uncertainties and things that we...

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Take the next step to better health today.

If you've suffered with pain for too long and are now ready to do something about it, get in contact with us today to see how we can best help you achieve better health.

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Got a question? Feel free to send us a message and one of the team will get back to you asap, if you'd like to talk to someone directly, give the clinic a call on 01858 288 260